弘昇健康科技股份有限公司致力於發展智能運動管理系統,提供科學化健康體適能評量,並整合分析健康相關多源異構數據,進一步應用於智能化運動器材之開發以及提供社區/商用運動機構之優質而精準化健康服務。 本公司是以科技化技術整合醫療和健康相關數據,轉譯應用於個人化運動處方設計與運動器材開發,並有效管理健康資訊與服務回饋。行銷商品模式包括:應用於醫療機構以進行科技化復健治療,運用在商業場域以提升個體健康體適能,或推廣至居家以落實在宅健康促進之目標。除此,本公司亦提供智能環狀運動銷售與場域營運規劃、教育訓練等服務。 以智能運動管理系統為觸角,拓展大健康時代的產業發展,是本公司創立的核心價值與目標。
The core values and goals of eHuntSun Health Technology Co., Ltd. eHuntSun Health Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to developing an intelligent exercise management system, providing scientific health-related physical fitness assessment, and integrating and analyzing health-related multi-source heterogeneous data, and further applying it to the intelligent development of exercise equipment and providing community/commercial organizations with high-quality and precise health services. The company integrates medical and health-related data with scientific technology, translates it for personalized exercise prescription design and exercise equipment development, and effectively manages health information and service feedback. Marketing product models include application in medical institutions for scientific rehabilitation, application in commercial fields to improve individual health and physical fitness, or promotion to the home to implement the goal of in-home health promotion. In addition, the company also provides smart circuit exercise sales, as well as, field operation planning and education services. Taking the intelligent exercise management system as the antenna to expand the industrial development in the era of great health is the core value and goal of the company.
